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First and foremost, I offer my presence. Regardless of how we engage with each other, I bring my presence, my truth, and my authenticity.

That, alone, makes a difference.


It is my belief that the essential elements of health and well-being are:


Loving, compassionate touch can come from our intimate partner, but we need it in our lives more than that. We've become a society scared to touch each other.


Massage can be a safe way to experience compassionate touch.

In our sessions, I bring my joy and the gift of being an experience of presence in someone's day. I give the body an experience of compassionate touch, the mind an experience of quiet, and the soul an experience of being seen. 

I give permission to access deep restfulness.

sunlight, Nature, bare feet on the Earth, structured water, whole foods, an open heart, feeling our feelings, and loving, compassionate human touch

Dancing Bear Medicine

Intuitive Massage

Massage creates space and allows your body to find a new way of being. It gives your physical and energetic bodies the experience of restfulness, allowing you to recharge and experience life anew. Massage can invite us to be curious about what our body has to say - what experiences and unexpressed emotions are stored in our tissues. Once we create space in our tissue and awaken to our body, we can access new parts of ourselves and make changes in our lives. Massage supports all changes we are making in life. It supports the healthy flow of our physical and energetic selves. It supports slowing down and allowing life to come to you.


Intuitive massage allows for the session to follow your body's guidance to where energy is stuck and how it can be freed to flow more easily, bringing space and release. I am not working to accomplish something, I do not fix you or heal you; I bring my presence and loving awareness to you and your body and support the flow that wants to be restored. I can and will share what I am experiencing, if desired, or I will be quiet and allow the energy to simply move. I believe in your body's wisdom, and I believe in the power of loving presence to support us all in being our highest expressions of Self. This is what I bring to our sessions.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Massage

A woman's body is experiencing its most dramatic changes during pregnancy and postpartum. If there is any time in life when massage is most therapeutic and beneficial, it is during this time. The positive flow of energy allows the mother to rest, the physical touch creates space in her body to support her changing body and the growing baby, the quiet presence allows her to slow down and bring her own presence to this precious time in life. This is also a beautiful experience for baby, who is receiving the loving presence and touch, through mama's body.


In my ideal world, all mothers receive massage during pregnancy and postpartum, and all babies are welcomed into this world with loving presence and compassionate touch.

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