The time of awakening is upon us. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the truth - we live in an illusion, and for hundreds of years, this illusion has been hijacked and manipulated by dark forces with a dark agenda. We have been force-fed a narrative of scarcity, division, limitation, hate and fear. We have been deceived into believing that this narrative is reality - the ONLY reality - that we are no more powerful or Divine than the limited abilities of our physical bodies and reasoning minds. And when we die, we're gone, that's the end.
Everything about this narrative is FALSE!
We are Divine beings of love and light, capable of feats beyond the imaginings of our human minds. We are all connected - to each other, to life, to the Divine, to the never-ending cosmos. There is no separation, there is no duality, there are no limitations and there is nothing to fear. This human experience is a blip along the path of our soul's journey. We are here to remember this truth - to go through the process of reclaiming our sovereignty and living the reality of Divinity on Earth.
It is time to wake up.
It is time to STOP believing the lies.
It is time to STOP giving our power away to forces outside ourselves.
These forces do NOT have our best interests at heart. They have an agenda that requires that we continue to believe their lies.
If we choose to wake up, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to turn off the TV, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to listen to ourselves, rather than their media, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to pay attention to our bodies, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to spend time with our family, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to go outside and commune with nature, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to follow our heart, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to create and be inspired, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to plant a garden, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to believe that we're going to be okay, everything is going to be okay, and we are supported by Divine energies, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to remember our true nature, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to love, we are no longer colluding with their agenda.
If we choose to wake up, we are creating a new reality.